Making & Editing YouTube videos

So as my side-side hobby I edit youtube videos. I've worked on a few channels to date. While I first posted youtube videos relating to Guild Wars 2 all the way back in 2012, I mostly gave it up after just a couiple of dozen videos. I didn't know what I was doing. Sadly, I actually made $.02 on those videos, though I never knew about it until a few years ago. I coulda been an OG Youtuber!
But I 'seriously' got into video editing in 2019 when my Father needed an editor for his lectures. Since then I've been trying to keep my skills sharp as long as possible. I started with the entry level version of photoshop premiere, but moved over to Da Vinci because it didn't cost my left kidney.

Jhan Severin

My personal channel. The one I've had since 2012. Yeah, it's old. But it's got all of my Guild Wars 2 content, plus two experimental videos. One on D&D and another progress update on the survival game. I still plan on fully reviving the channel. Someday.

To the Right

This is also my channel. I'd like to get better at expressing my political opinions, so I made this channel with the hopes of getting better at it. I've only made one video on the subject so far, and I'm working on a second. I need to do better at audio levels (music!) and better script writing.

Pharos Technology

This is my Dad's channel. He's got a PhD in management and teaches Master's classes at a local University. He started to teach online classes before the coof and has been going strong ever since. I've edited each and every one of his videos and thumbnails. I'm pretty proud at what we've done together. Both of us have improved a lot since we started.

Garrett's Madhouse of Art

OH MAN WAS THIS CHANNEL FUN. Seriously, it was a blast. Garrett's my brother, and neither of us had a clue what we were doing. This ended up being a craft / comedy sketch channel. It was weird and amazing. There's some seriously janky edits here, but I think it's entertaining. This particular episode was one of our greatest.

The Agony of Chiron

A new experiment by Garrett. He realized how much modern video games tend to violate laws of storytelling and how often they portray the wrong message. So he's back to show us how to write stories in a way that impact us directly. I'm back as his editor to free him to do the part he does well.